Tuesday, May 26, 2015


What motivated you to become a tech nerd this summer?

I was really excited to hear that our PLC was going to be getting Chromebooks next year.  I have lots of ideas on how I foresee using the Chromebooks in the classroom, but I want to make sure they are feasible and to find out many more options. 

What you hope to learn about in Tech Nerd Camp 2.0?

I hope to learn how to use applications available through the Chromebooks effectively in my classroom.  I would really like to get to the point where our Biology Lab Handbook is completely paperless using google classroom.  I would also like to utilize the speed and efficiency of the Chromebooks to implement formative assessments using google forms or other applications.  I would also like to learn a variety of strategies for using the Chromebooks in class.  I think there are a lot of areas I don't even know about that would easily be manipulated to fit my subject area.

How would you describe your current comfort level with technology?  What tools do you use already in your classroom (if any)?
I feel really comfortable using technology.  I feel like my technological skills go way beyond what I can actually use in my classroom because of limited student access.  The things I use in my classroom now are clickers, smartboard, Microsoft office, google applications (docs, slides),


  1. "Paperless" is music to my ears. I see so much paper waste in my building and how our paper budget keeps increasing every year... I don't know how this is possible. Among many benefits, I do hope Chromebooks decrease the amount of paper we use.

  2. Thanks for joining the class!
