Thursday, May 28, 2015

Activity 3: Screencasting & MV YouTube

I chose to make an instructional video about how to transcribe and translate DNA into a protein using an amino acid chart.

I was originally trying to do this from home and used 2 different screen capture programs, but could not get the programs to record sound on my Macbook.  As I reread the descriptions of the screen capture programs I realized how easy snagit seemed.  I emailed a teacher at school to see if I could borrow her chromebook and was able to easily get my film completed after a few trial runs testing out the different aspects of the app.  I am pretty pleased with the final product, but wish that I could figure our a way to display my screen more attractively than just being in google slides.

I think this type of video could be really helpful when explaining a complicated process that the students might want to re-watch before a test or quiz.  I also think this could be useful if I wanted them to make a graph using google sheets for a lab.  The kids do not have a lot of experience with that and it would be more helpful for them to have the video streaming while they are trying to complete the task.  They can watch a segment and then pause it while they complete the task and then move on to the next step.  We are going to try to make our biology labs paperless next year, but the graphing is a roadblock.  I can see this as a way to help student learn that process and re-visit it each time we need to graph and not have to be caught up in explaining it to each student.


  1. Meghan- I agree that I would like to use this tool or similar screencasts to acts as a reference for students. Rather than having to repeat yourself everyday you can refer students to your screencasts. Students can replay this video as many times as they would like and pause the video if they are processing the information. They can not pause our lessons in the classroom.

    I think there may be other ways to display this screencast not using google slides. I use google drawings and that allowed me write and draw, which took a little practice, but I think it could work. I have heard that using the SMART Recorder works really nice for screencasts, but do we have the microphones for that?

  2. I'm glad it works well on the Chomebook. Not having SMART on all my devices has limited when and how I make recordings - this looks like a good option.

  3. Yes, Smart Recorder is easy and great but I have to do it at school and use a usb microphone. Our bookkeeper bought one for each department to use for screencasting. It becomes addicting and eventually you will probably want your own mic. I bought a mic on Amazon for $20.
