Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Activity 4: Google Suite

Here is the link to my document.

This is a writing assignment that I give my environmental science students.  In the past we would listen to the podcast and they would take notes and later go back and write their reflection.  With the chrome books and google docs they could start writing their reflections right away as we listen.  Additionally, if I am shared on the document I can give real-time feedback.

I think it would be useful in other larger projects as well.  It is easy to make sure students are making progress.  The hard part about using google suite with students is their organization as well as mine.  If things aren't named well or organized they can be hard to find, but I suppose it is better than that lost piece of paper we would traditionally be dealing with.  

I also think that google suite is a really useful tool in collaborating with colleagues.  This document is one that I converted from a word document.  It would be easy to make adjustments to the quiz or collaborate on it remotely from each of our own classrooms.


  1. Cool use of the podcast. We use some called "15 minute history" for AP Euro and typically have students do some kind of note taking. This way could be way easier.

  2. I love the idea of integrating podcasts and Docs into a lesson. I've gotten some students and teachers hooked to the GrammarGirl podcast but haven't extended it into the Google platform yet. Great idea.

  3. Very cool idea of using a podcast and a Doc in the same lesson. I have never tried that in my math classroom. Great idea. (Maybe I could have students work through the problems discussed during the podcast and submit their answers via a Google Form)

  4. I like having the ability of kids taking notes/making comments WHILE the action is going on... Podcast/story/lab etc. Have you tried this? Curious as to how it works.

  5. I like having the ability of kids taking notes/making comments WHILE the action is going on... Podcast/story/lab etc. Have you tried this? Curious as to how it works.

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