Monday, August 10, 2015

Activity 6: Google Classroom

I actually started using google classroom this past year with my Environmental Science class.  I thought it was the perfect platform for a paperless classroom.  We did this on a couple of minor assignments to try it out.  However, in hindsight I set up the assignments with the wrong setting.  After completing this activity I now realize that I just sent everyone the assignment, but not their own copy.  It caused a lot of confusion and ended up with documents shared with me in all kinds of ways.

Now that I know how to navigate it better I can see making use of it in all of my classes.  I like that it automatically organizes into folders.  I also like the tip about creating a numbering system for each of your assignments.  That would be really helpful when students are trying to search their own drives.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, now that Classroom has the ability to name each assignment the "copy" disaster is solved. Sorry you had to learn this the hard way! Argh!
