Wednesday, August 26, 2015


I have really taken a lot away from this class.  I have always found it frustrating to incorporate a lot of technology with the only real access for us being the laptops.  When I learned that my classroom would have access to chromebooks I really wanted a better idea of how to use them.  This class has provided a huge amount of brainstorming between me and my other PLC members.  Some of the tools we are planning on using are pear deck, google classroom, forms, and webcasting.  All of these can be manipulated by different subject levels to promote a lot of learning and I am excited to see how it all goes.

My plan is to start implementing this stuff into the classroom this year and collaborate with my PLC members to make new materials.  There is a lot that I still need to experiment with and I expect a few set backs along the way, but thanks to this class I have a lot more confidence and knowledge about the way the chromebooks can be utilized.  One thing that I still am unsure of and will be a challenge for me is how these will work for students or how students will respond.  Only time and student feedback and test data will show me if things are truly going well.


  1. I already posted this is Christina's Blog, but I would love to come up with a purposeful plan so that we can collaborate with this technology. I think it helps us as teachers, but also could create some fun new ways to really engage the kids...

  2. Great idea to create your tech materials as a PLC!

  3. A class set of chromebooks is going to be a big game-changer this year. I'm glad you feel equipped to tackle some new tech tools with students.
