Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Activity 9: Digital Citizenship

Ethical Issues:

Miss Starbucks ran into an ethical issue because she didn't follow the right path to have her students using the app. Miss Starbucks should have had the app approved and should have taught the students in her classroom how to appropriately use the technology and what type of comments were acceptable.   

In this situation since student data is at risk, I think she has put students in jeopardy.  I would recommend she have the student immediately remove the student data and seek approval from the principal before continuing to use the app.  Additionally, she should notify parents of the type of technology she plans on allowing students to use.  

I don't have any personal experience with this, but students are always asking to see other students grades and they don't understand why I won't let them.   Student data privacy is not something they regularly think about and it is up to us to make sure we protect that information.  

Mr McFly is in a similar situation to Miss Starbucks.  He did not get prior approval for the app he was using in his classroom.  It doesn't say what account his students were using, but he should have taught the students how to use their student accounts and should have also instructed them on sharing rights and appropriate use. 

In this situation it does not seem like the well-being of anyone is really at risk, but it likely depends on how mean/vulgar/etc. the comments on the videos got.  I think Mr. McFly needs to make sure the principal is aware of the technology he is using and he needs to require certain privacy settings on the projects he assigns.  

Again, I don't have much personal experience with this, but I know how hurt students can be by others comments.  I would hate for one of my students to be put in a situation they felt uncomfortable with because of my assignment.  

I like the resources because it very clearly lays out how a teacher should go about getting technology into their classroom.  With these straight forward steps for teachers to follow it would make teachers, admin, and parents happy with outcomes.  

One procedure I would like to implement is to have some grade level common expectations regarding students giving online feedback.  This would be taught and enforced by all teachers. In my own classroom I would like to incorporate parent awareness into my syllabus. 


  1. Have you ever "asked" to use any specific apps or extensions? Is there a list that we should be bringing to administration as a PLC?

    Just a thought...

  2. I like your idea about incorporating parent awareness of technology that will be used into your syllabus. I have the students and parents sign off about classroom expectations, but I do not have a clause about technology.

  3. I've always been curious how involved parents get at the high school level with tech integration concerns...
